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at Midnight Order:

Floro - Bridal Headdress. Comes in two female sizes (tight and hair), a male size, and unrigged. Includes a texture HUD for all the components, which can be mixed and matched. PBR.

Effervescence - Saelihn Tattoo. This metallic BOM tattoo pack has appliers for AK ADVX, EvoX, and most mesh bodies. Comes in 17 colors (shown in gold). 

REBIS - Khepri's Collar. A scarab collar with both male and female rigging options, and unrigged. Includes two versions - a single strand, or a cascade, shown. Omnipack has a texture HUD with a handful of colors for the scarabs and four metal options. 

Voluptas Virtualis - Chysalis Grasp. Rigged for Jake, Reborn, Legacy M/F, and Lara. Includes a texture HUD with several metal finishes, as well as an alpha toggle for the bracelet.

Aii - BlackMage. BlackMage Outtfit. Rigged for Reborn/Waifu/V-Tech, Legacy F/Perky/Petite, and Legacy M/Athletic. Can be worn as a full outfit or by individual pieces, and includes a texture HUD with dozens of colors for each component. PBR.

Someone - Pixie Skin. Pixie Skin. This fantasy skin line comes in 30 shades, and each pack includes a material applier, plus layer options for makeup and details, like freckles, dimples, and contouring, just to name a few! Shown in Tisiphone.

at The Warehouse Sale:

Old Treasures - Alys Necklace. Three rigged sizes for male and female, and includes unrigged options. The texture HUD has seven house emblems and three metal finishes.

Additional Items

Base: Lelutka Avalon and eBody Reborn

Chest Ornament: Voluptas Virtualis - KORE - Symbol

Orbs: Aii - Glassy Dual Magical Orbs

Backdrop: Foxcity - Sinking Sands


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