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at Midnight Order:

Dirty Rat - Detective's Chair Set. The set includes a vintage armchair, a side table littered with a detective's accouterments, and a floor lamp. 6 LI total, and the pack includes the set in both legacy and PBR textures.

Additional Items

on him:

Base: Lelutka Jon and Legacy M

Hair: Stealthic - Haunting

Outfit: [ContraptioN] - Bete Noire Outfit

Shoes: Deadwool - Shelby Boots

on her:

Base: Lelutka Camila and eBody Reborn

Hair: Wings - ER0326

Outfit: AVEC TOI - Beatrice Set

Shoes: S&P - Great Gatsby Shoes

Files: Waffle - Bureau Files (free group gift)

the office:

Dirty Rat - File Cabinet, Detective's Desk, Wiretap Station

Random Matter - The Storage Room File Cabinet and Desk Fan


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