REVERIE - Angelica Eyeshadow. A BOM eyeshadow set for EvoX that comes in 20 shades, plus 10 shades for the crosses (which can be worn on either eye or both).
Cubic Cherry - Vareth Light. Four packs available! Each pack has a texture change HUD: 10 candle colors, seven flame options, eight bead colors, eight rose colors (plus tinting options). Left and right holds, plus a rezzable decor version. PBR only!
Additional Items
Base: Lelutka Avalon and eBody Reborn
Hair: monso - Ren
Hat and Outfit: Oracle - Darling Witch Set
Cauldrons: LORE - Stackin' Cauldrons and Moon Phase - Herbology Cauldron Set
Shelves: DRD - Mega Spell Center and Magick Shoppe (bookcases ripped from the building)
Lanterns: TLG - Moroccan Lanterns
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