{Rosier} - Sammi Dress. Rigged for LaraX, Legacy, and Reborn. The fatpack includes a texture HUD with 13 colors for the top, jabot, waistband, skirt, ribbons, and gems.
Whats Lost Spirits - Etheral Workshop. Dimensions are 35x30x20, and is 426 LI. There are several rooms on the main floor, plus an observation deck upstairs, and built-in, decorated bookcases on both levels. PBR.
ERG - Industrial Pipe Light. Click the light for a menu to adjust light intensity, radius, and falloff. The light's colors can be changed as well. 8 LI.
Additional Items
Base: Lelutka Ceylon and eBody Reborn
Hair: Wings - ES1230
Stockings: Violent Seduction - Psyche Stockings (burgundy)
Boots: Evil Baby - Persephone Boots
Book: [ContraptioN] - The Everybook *12th*
Decor: Random Matter - Cabinet of Curiosity, Lux Aeterna - Dusty Parlor, Kraftwork - Rebel Soul Sofa, Dirty Rat - Kraken Wall Lamp
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