Haunted Mansion.
Featured Items
Quills & Curiosities - Salle De L'aube. This ballroom is incredible.. for starters, this room comes in four color combinations - black and silver, black and gold, white and silver, and white and gold. Each has two options: magical floor or solid floor (shown in white and silver with solid floor). Fully rezzed, the room is 64 x 64; the magical floor version is 290LI and the solid floor is 262LI. There's a 48 x 48 version included as well, but trust me, it'll still be large enough! In fact for this photo, I shrunk it down to 135LI and it's still large enough for a fully decorated party!
En Pointe - Splendid Luminescence. This is a candle holder set that includes a chandelier, floor candelabras (shown), and a wall sconce. There's a color change HUD for the metal, wax and flames, and each piece ranges from 2-9 LI.
Level 9 - Creepy Uncle Lester. Lester comes with several texture options - three of which were designed by Tristan Flinders. There are three hold poses, and loads of animation options... including a whole lot of awesome phrases. You can find him at the mainstore.
Additional Items
DRD - Mystic Bastion: dining table, dining chairs, medium candelabras; Scarlett Hotel: Grande Piano; Victorian music room harp
~BAZAR~ - Palace place settings
Lux Aeterna - [Feast for a King]: Tudor pie, miniature pies, gingerbread cookies
+Half-Deer+ - Starlit Spiderwebs
Note: Once again, a lot of friends, and I didn't ask anyone for outfit credits... mainly because we're pretty transparent! But, if you see something you like and need help finding it let me know.
Thank you to spek, Crow, Snax, Carlle, Onion, Hulio, Wren and Wren (haha) for coming on another adventure with me! ♥
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