The Wandsmith.

Featured Items

coming soon to Wizarding Faire:

Quills & Curiosities - Wand Shelves. I have been waiting for someone to make these and lucky for me, it was one of my absolute favorite stores! These shelves come in four wood finishes, and two styles (a full shelf, shown, and a stack, which is the shelves without the base). Not only are they gorgeous, but they're only 1LI (definitely magic, haha). The set also comes with single wand boxes for decorating.

at Midnight Order:

ABSENCE - Leona Set. This outfitm rigged for Khara, Maitreya, Legacy and Reborn, comes with the top, corset, pants and boots. There's also a color HUD with six color options for each component, as well as several metal options. 

Hexumbra - Ruthann Lipstick. These BOM lipsticks are nicely saturated and have really lovely detailing! You get nine shades in a really wide variety of colors and trust me, it'll be hard to pick a favorite.

OMY - Dolly poses. You get four animated, breathing poses (shown in pose 4), and each pose has the optional eye focus version! You can find these at the current round of Uber, open now until Aug 22nd.

Level 9 - Wandsmith's Workshop. I made this wand myself using the workshop! Have you ever wanted a custom wand in SL? Say no more. You start by rezzing out the workshop (which is 15 LI), and from there, you choose your handle, bolster and wand shaft. There are eight wood finishes to choose from... once you're happy with your wand, click 'finalize' and you not only get a beautiful wand you've crafted yourself, but a HUD that allows you to choose from several effects, styles and animations. 

Additional Items

Base - Lelutka Zo and eBody Reborn

Truth - Muse hair

Nar Mattaru - Hela skin (in Ghost)

Random Matter - Elona Glasses, The Academy: Quill (this is a decorative item that I just decided to stick in my hair)

::Static:: - Lady's Chatelaine, Sialdor Rose Chandelier

Yummy - Reminiscence Rings

Kraftwork - Bellosguardo Ladder

{-Maru Kado-} Barn Owls

DRD - Magick Shoppe: Specimens Set (bat and beetles)



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