

Featured Items

REVERIE - Selene Eyes. These full iris eyes are glowy and mystical and just so pretty! You get two color packs (shown in pack 2 #2) with a lot of variety, and they're available for BOM, Catwa, Genus, Lelutka and Omega. You can find these at the current round of Planet29, open until July 22nd. 

REVERIE - Heavy Heart Eyeshadow.Heavy Heart Eyeshadow. I've had this one for a while now and honestly it's my favorite tear-streaked makeup look... you get 15 colors to choose from, and there are options for full look, shadow only and tears only. Available at the mainstore.

Stealthic - Wish. Stealthic's newest hair is ponytail perfection! Worn over either shoulder, there's also an option with a side-swept bang. As always, they've included a small and large size, each with several breast size options to make sure you find a great fit. Available at the mainstore.

at The Vault:

sacrilege - verbose eyeglasses. The frame style is a play on half-moon frames. You get three metal finishes, and 17 text options in light or dark. There are also mod, so you can stretch them on each axis to get a perfect fit.

JDS - Cerberus Earrings Set. These earrings are rigged for Human (in Lelutka and Andore) and Swallow gauged and dropped. You get six metal options and can change the colors by batch or individual piercing.

Additional Items

Base - Lelutka Zo and eBody Reborn

Avarosa - Blair Skin (snow)

Bolson - Vicious Tattoo

Warpaint - Georgia eyebrows

Delicatta - Spicy (lip applier)

duckie - torment v3

Yummy - Mushroom Crystal Necklace

:LMB: - Visha Bodysuit


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