"Wan Shi Tong and his knowledge seekers collected books from all over the world, and put them on display for mankind to read, so that we might better ourselves."
— Professor Zei describing the Seekers.
Featured Items
Vulpine Ears. I could be wrong, but these might be the best fox ears in SL right now. You get three options - normal, pierced and notched. There are several texture options for the fur (base colors, tips, and tufts), but the star of the show is the animations, which are beyond adorable and really bring them to life. You get positioning options, as well as full animation cycles and static-like poses. For the piercings, you get a full hud for tinting plus an alpha option for each piercing.
Vulpine Tail. Because of course, you need a matching tail! Included with this pack are two textures, a white base texture for the tail, and an alpha map. This tail works off a single texture using alpha masking. The tail also has an animation HUD, which has a handful of cycles plus static options.
You can find both at The Warehouse Sale, opening on the 23rd!
Additional Items
Disorderly - Common Study Couch
[ContraptioN] - Pollux Tall Bookcases, Gramophone: Hyland *3rd gen*
Pitaya - Classic Rug (red)
Random Matter - Cottage Life Deco Chair, Reading Room book stack, Garden Party II teacup and cookie plate
Noveny - Steampunk Air Balloon
Varonis - Sombre Skybox
Huge thank you to Crow, Kali, spek, Carlle and Snax for coming along and being the best parts of this photo ♥
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