

Featured Items

Quills & Curiosities - Briar Rose Mantle. Another staple for your softer fantasy looks! The mantle is unrigged and resizable, so getting a perfect is super easy. The HUD comes with 12 color options for the roses and six options for the vine/leaf colors... and because it's mod you can easily tint it as needed. You can find this at Midsummer Enchantment, opening on the 24th (lm TBD).

REVERIE - Arcana Eyes. These full iris eyes are meant to be worn on full bright and just... whoa. There are two eye packs (nine colors in each pack), and they come with a tintable BOM eye socket layer, which helps add to that glowing effect. Available at the mainstore.

REVERIE - Keira Lipstick. This one's been around for a minute but the gold dusting on the cupid's bow is absolute perfection. The HUD gives you 15 color options, and the pack includes three BOM lip tints (I went with a bare lip for this, as the layers are natural/nude tones). Available at the mainstore.

Additional Items

Base - LeLutka Zo and eBody Reborn

Avarosa - Paulina skin (snow), at Kustom9

sacrilege - helen eyebrows, nagini scarification

Doux - Venezia hair

+nuuna+ - Basic fades/tats EVOX

Warpaint - Tender eyeshadow

LODE - Thorns and Grace Leaf Wreath 

Random Matter - Firon Crown (warms)

Muse x Moon Elixir - Moonlit Secret

Petrichor - Dene Wings

::static:: - Fae Embers

Yummy - Fairytale Rings, Alexis Body Chain

Foxcity - Sweet Bento pose set (petals)


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