

Featured Items

Lilithé - Nissa Tattoo. Something about florals and graphics together in a tattoo is just *chef's kiss*... As always, there are four opacities to choose from, as well as a handful of chin options (shown in fresh). Available at The Warehouse Sale!

REVERIE - Eno Lipstick. It just looks so juicy, I love it! The pack comes with BOM lip/tiny concealers, and there are two options - a full lip (shown), or a heavier bottom lip with a faded top lip. There are 15 colors jewel tones to choose from and all of them are lovely. Available at the mainstore.

REVERIE - Heavy Heart Eyeshadow. I've had this one for a while now and honestly it's my favorite tear-streaked makeup look... you get 15 colors to choose from, and there are options for full look, shadow only and tears only. Available at the mainstore.

Additional Items

Base - LeLutka Raven (my own shape) and eBody Reborn

The Skinnery - Sylvie and Slim skin in Honey

Warpaint - Georgia Eyebrows

Bonnie - Almond Natural Nails

Pixicat - Moa Top

Random Matter - Hekate Halo (group gift) and Xen Earrings


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