Featured Items
Hexumbra - Sorsha Eyeshadow. Gotta love a vibrant shadow with a nice halo effect! You get BOM layers in nine shades (pictured in #1, which is a smoky greyscale). Available at the mainstore.
The Eschaton - Holo Sakura Sleeves. Rigged for Reborn, these sleeves come with a HUD that lets you pick the branch metal (shown in silver), and the petals and filament are tintable separately. You can find these at Cyberpunk Fair for a few more days, and they should be in the mainstore soon! Side note: these are a perfect pairing with their Holo Sakura Earrings!
Additional Items
Base: Lelutka Raven (my own shape) and eBody Reborn
Nar Mattaru - Liliana Skin
+Nuuna+ - Basics Fades/Tats
Truth - Muse hair
Warpaint - Jasmine Lip Oil (set 1)
duckie - Torment v3 (head and chest gems
Aii - Demonic Touch
moon. - Static Lash Set
Yummy - Fairytale Ring set, at The Warehouse Sale
Lux Aeterna - The Throne's Halo
{minuit} - April Bodysuit
Blueberry - Icon Wings
K&S - Last Fantasy Backdrop
anc Ltd. - datura, allium, and lavender
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