Featured Item
Level 9 - Dropped Cencers. These are Level 9's first earrings for the Dropped ears and holy smokes (yes, pun intended - sorry, not sorry), they're so gorgeous! The earrings come shaped like little cencers inspired by the ones used by servants of both the imperial church and the cult mechanicus from Warhammer 40k. There are eight metal options (you can customize each piece individually), and there are color options for the sparks and smoke. You can even turn the particles on or off but honestly, the smoke and sparks might be my favorite feature. You can find these at the next round of The Warehouse Sale, which opens Dec 23rd.
Additional Items
Vae Victus - Inquisition Bannered Horns
Random Matter - Emhyr Glyph
Stealthic - Mesmer Hair
Petrichor - Canarei Night Eyes
::LMB:: - Melpomine Gold Eye Sun
sacrilege - sigrid face paint
Warpaint - Riyad Liner
Polar<3Bunny - lunary lipgloss
Aii - Demonic Touch, Abyssal Flower tattoo (gore)
CURELESS - Corvus Pauldrons
Insomnia Angel - metallic finger tattoo (bronze)
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