Featured Item
The Eschaton - Cathedral Interior Base Kit. LOOK AT IT. It's so gorgeous! These windows are just perfection and easily my favorite feature... a close second being these ceilings. It's not often that a build has me at a loss for words but these materials... wow. The build kit is an interior kit, so this is perfect for a skybox build. There are 12 major parts - an assortment of hall pieces) plus extra bits, like the projectors for the windows, pillar pieces, etc. And, if you're a beginner when it comes to building, they've got your back. The pieces all have magnets - click the piece you want to move, click again where you want it to attach, and the scripting does the rest! When you're happy with it, you type a command in local to delete the scripts... and then if you're anything like me, you just wander around and stare at all the details for a while. You can go check out the demo at their mainstore. Side note - I can't wait to see what they put out next!
Additional Items
Doux - Irene Hair
Andore - Elf Ears
Core&Gore - Unovia Halo
Random Matter - Ulyana Set (necklace, choker, headpiece)
Junbug - Cute Kirtle dress
[ContraptioN] - The Everybook, Crucible Chandelier
Reliquary - Orryn Dish Candle
Yummy - Fairytale Rings
DRD - Wizards Classroom Bookcase, Knight Decor and Victorian bench (from the Mystic Bastion gacha)
Fancy Decor - Legacy Frames
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