Engine Room: Journey.

I had to bring my not-so-hairy little buddy back for another blog... sorry, not sorry! 

The featured items (cited below) are exclusively available at Engine Room, which opened on the 20th and will run until October 20th. 

This Friday and Saturday are the halftime parties, with DJ ColeMarie on Friday and DJ Keliana on Saturday.  Parties are at 2-4pm & 7-9pm SLT.

Here's your airship!

Featured Items

Dirty Rat - Large Telescope, at Engine Room

[AiiZawa] - Songbird Fae Wings, at Engine Room

Apricot Paws - Applique Jacket, at Engine Room

Additional Items

YumYum - *barberyumyum*L19 (hair)

.random.matter. - Reading Room Book Stack

[Rezz Room] - Sphynx Animesh

LOVE - Luna Moth

Varonis - Dorneburg Scene

Minimal - Liberty Bridge

WLS - Steampunk Airship


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