

This forest is a very old place that holds many secrets and houses many creatures.

Cubic Cherry's Ma'shrooms Hat comes in 18 (!!) different colors and can easily be adjusted or stretched to fit with your look (pictured in lilac). The Nyx eyes, (which are a hunt item) come in six shades of white, grey or black.

Both are exclusively available at Panic of Pumpkin, which is open until October 31st. Here's your ride!

Featured Items

Cubic Cherry - Ma'shrooms Hat and Nyx Eyes, at Panic of Pumpkin

Additional Items

Moon - Spotless Mind (hair is a group gift)

Okiya - Forest Fae (face BOM)

.Evil Baby. - Leaf Tattoo (shown in purple)

Outfox - Fae Fades 

Bonnie - Bloom set

Void & Minttea - Pixie Wings

Schadenfreude - Murder of Ravens in Hats (at Panic of Pumpkin)

Photo taken at home


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